
My  blog earlier, I said that I will be writing about my experiences and I was honored to be part of the team that visited the home under the DCF (Daystar Christian Fellowship) under the sub-committee of the DALAFE ( Daystar Ladies Fellowship).

It was on 7th Feb 2019 (sorry for writing this blog late). We went to the home and we were split into different groups. Some were cooking, others cleaning while I was allocated in the group of doing laundry. After doing our respective duties, we went to socialize the our grandparents(they are old enough to be our grandparents or even great grandparents)

Let me call it luck, I was sweeping the collider and a grandpa walked by and so I assisted him to have a seat. The inquisitive nature in me sprang up and I instantly started the conversation. He only knew how to speak Kikuyu. “How long have you stayed in this home?’ I started the conversation. ” I have been here for the past 3 years. ” That wowed me. 3 years in the place and he still looked healthy.

I asked why he came to the home and he replied, ” When I was a young man, I used to work in a flower farm. I was a good looking gentleman that time and I was after girls and vice versa. I didn’t want to settle down because I thought that was something for me. My thing was just to have fun. I used to party and every little money I got was spent on girls and alcohol. So when I decided to settle down, I was in my late 40’s and the lady who was to be my wife had many qualities which I didn’t know she had. ” There was a long pause and I had to break the ice, so I asked which qualities and all he said was, ” I made a bad decision marrying her.”

Below is a picture with him.


Then Joy(the lady I was with) asked , “Did you have any children together?” “No, not even one” he answered back. At this point I understood why he was in the home. “Where is your wife now?” Joy asked. ” She went back to their home after we didn’t have kids. I don’t know if she’s still alive.” he replied back. He looked old and so I asked his age and he said proudly ” almost 100.”

As we were winding up with him, I had to ask for a partying shot from him, “what advice could you give to young people?” “Take education seriously, if only I was educated, I wouldn’t have ended up in this home, I would have money and the money would have taken care of me. Secondly, don’t involve yourself too much with the things of the world such as alcoholism, ladies or men. Let my life be an example to you. Lastly and most importantly SEEK JESUS. Read your Bible and pray about your life. While praying don’t forget to pray for your future spouses. if only I did during my time, things would have been different. Also don’t forget to pray for things that you care about. God grants our desires.” he answered emotionally. As soon as he finished speaking they were called to have their supper which they take at around 4pm so that by 6pm they are asleep.

As they eat their supper



It was a fruitful day after a long conversation with him and many others whom I didn’t get a chance to write about them. After this visit, I had a lot of questions in mind like, “Should I start saving as early as now? What am I doing with my life right now that will make me regret in the future? Am I serious with my studies like I should be? What kind of relationship do I have with God and others?”


The team that I was with.

As we were coming back from the visit, we got a chance to see a church that was built in 1909 and it stood strong and surely things that are built on the Gods foundation, they surely stand strong to eternity.


We embarked on our journey back to school with a lot knowledge and wiser than we were in the morning. We saw the reality of getting old is real but at the end of the day we thank God for everything.



Beautiful sunset.

Thanks for reading, many more are coming your way.

God Bless You.






Published by Priscilla Kariti

Keeping God first.. The best among the best. PR. Twin.


  1. Wow Wow .. am not only impressed but also encouraged by the article .. it’s a very noble thing to do at our age .. am proud of you girl .. #keepitup


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